If you have oily skin then the good news is this skin type is generally slower to show fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration.
The downside can be more frequent breakouts, large pores and a greasy appearance.
you can minimize oil by doing these
1. The experts suggest cleansing your face two or three times daily with good old soap and water. Pack a premoistened cleansing pad if you won't be around a water basin throughout the day.
2. Understand that dermatologists and aestheticians often disagree on which types of soaps or cleansers to use'but all agree that once you find a product that works well for your skin, you should continue using it.
3. Follow the recommendations of dermatologists and shower or bathe in tepid rather than steaming-hot water. Hot water can strip your skin of needed moisture, while cold water can shock your skin.
4. Avoid using cleansers that tend to overdry skin. This paradoxically causes your skin to produce even more oil than usual.
5. Use only noncomedogenic moisturizers and sunscreen products'this means they're oil-free and won't clog pores.
6. Add a clay or mud mask once a week to your skincare routine to temporarily absorb oil.
7. Choose makeup that’s specifically formulated for oily skin; shine-control water-based cosmetics are made to absorb and cover oiliness so your skin doesn't look as greasy.
8. Consider Pure.Makeup, which is formulated with 50% water instead of pore-clogging oils, which can cause breakouts.
9. For a fresh-yet-matte finish, an oil-control powder like Pure.
10. Powderor Shine Free Powder worn alone or over your foundation can absorb oils. Gently sweep the powder puff (or your Expert Tools Face Brush) over areas of your face that are prone to shine (especially your T-zone).
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